In 1990 HARTMAN ENGINEERING began a series of
activities related to transverse stress in steel sheet piling.
The original work was sponsored by Bethlehem Steel Company and
the L. B. Foster Company. The research has been an ongoing
process and is continuing today with the Chaparral Steel
Transverse loads deform sheet piling
perpendicular it its longitudinal axis. Historically it was
believed that these stresses were so small relative to the
longitudinal stress that they were not considered during the
design of cofferdams and retaining walls.
In 1991
HARTMAN ENGINEERING designed a testing apparatus that
allowed sheet pile to be loaded by water pressure. Strain
gauges monitored the behavior of the test piles. The testing
was performed in partnership with the late Dr. John A. Neal at
the State University of New York at Buffalo. Eight sheet piles
were assembled and clamped together (see figure at right).
It was observed that continued deformation of some
sheet piles occurred even though the longitudinal stresses
were below the level at which plastic deformation should have
In 1992 an excerpt from the full report was
published. In this report Drs. Hartman and Neal reported their
findings. They concluded that “The current design practice of
using section modulus of the piling as the only structural
criteria is inadequate and must be refined. It is appropriate
that bidirectional loading and section slenderness ratios be
recognized in design of sheet pile structures similar to the
manner in which they are recognized in other types of
structural design.”
In 1997 a second document, “Report
of Investigation of the Effect of Transverse Loads on the
Behaior of Z-Shape Steel Sheet Piling” was published. The
purpose was to report on a technically reliable and easy to
use design tool for practicing engineers. This tool could be
used to determine the appropriate sheet pile to use based on
the allowable moment and the pressure in a given set of design
Since the initial experimentation HARTMAN
ENGINEERING, in cooperation with Chaparral Steel Company,
has been instrumental in the design of sheet pile sections
that incorporate the need for transverse stress resistance.
Dr. Hartman holds patents for a new PZ27 section and for
sections which have been designated PZ35, PZ40, PZC13, PZC18,
PZC26, PZC36 and PZC48. Work is ongoing to develop additional
Copies of the original reports are available
by contacting us. |